This exhibition on Tawaifs (Courtesans), stands out from the previously done 13 portrait collections. Unlike other exhibits featuring artists with known details of birth, accomplishments, and death, this is a unique showcase. Courtesans have been part of India since ancient times, dating back to the Rig vedic period.
While it’s one of the oldest professions globally, this exhibition focuses on the historical significance of courtesans in India. The catalog presents over 125 photographs capturing the hidden stories of courtesans who played a pivotal role in India’s art and culture. Unlike paintings based on imagination, these photographs depict a crucial aspect of our country’s history. The names like Nazeer Jaan, Hedari, Gulab and Munna, inscribed on Carte de Visite, serve as affectionate aliases or dummy names given by lovers, patrons, and well-wishers. Interestingly, the real names of these women remain unknown throughout history.