R. H. Jalbhoy
author & publisher
Unknown British artist
circa 1880
Tinted lithographs
11.8 x 9.8 in. (30 x 25 cms)
The Portrait Gallery of Western India
Embellished with 51 life-like portraits of prominent people from western India, this album has 15 Parsi portraits including that of the album’s compiler and author R. H. Jalbhoy. The album was published in 1886 and printed at the Education Society’s Press in Byculla, Bombay (according to the copy in the Royal Collection, UK). It contains 51 tinted lithographic portraits, that are done by celebrated artists in London, and has text and captions in English and Gujarati. The portraits were published by Vincent Brooks, Day & Son of London and many are based on photographs of the sitters. The work began in 1876 but due to some obstacles it could only be printed in 1886. It was presented to Queen Victoria by the author on 27 July 1886.